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By Lauren Cooley

People all over want to better themselves in various types of ways. Lent is a perfect time to start getting in a new habit and bettering yourself. You get to do it not only for yourself, but also for Jesus. 
Lent is a forty day period leading up to Easter Sunday. The forty days are to reflect when Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan. 
Lent is a time for prayer, discipline, fasting, and deepening your relationship with God. People who celebrate Lent use the time for fasting and repentance. 
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. On Ash Wednesday, people receive ashes on their foreheads as a reminder of mortality. Throughout the season, believers typically give up something that is hard for them to go without on a daily basis or is a bad habit for them. For example, most people give up social media, chocolate, candy, soda, fast food, gossiping, etc. 
“I gave up soda because it is bad for me and I wanted to give up something that wasn’t candy because that’s typically what I usually give up,” said junior Jason Cillo. 
“I gave up swearing because it is a bad habit,” explained senior Sophia Peretin. 
“I gave up tiktok for Lent because it distracts me from school and makes me go to sleep later,” revealed senior Catie Kozel.
People give up a variety of things for Lent based on what they love to do or bad habits they have. These are just a few examples of what people have given up as a small way to thank and give back to the Lord for his sacrifices.
At Seton Lasalle, we offer a Lent curated food plan for the students and faculty on Fridays. “To prepare for Lent, I look on the internet for Lent meals that would be more kid friendly, because not all kids like the common non-meat meals,” explained Mrs. Maria Christopher. 
“Lent is important to me because it helps me to recognize the blessings in my life and appreciate those around me,” stated junior Marleea Ruscitto. 
Overall, Lent holds much significance and serves as a season of reflection, tradition, and preparation. Lent also helps invite people to deepen their relationship with God and grow in faith.

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