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By Makayla Corson

Are you interested in law and have you ever thought about joining the Mock Trial team? Junior Bobbi Crawford stated, “I joined Mock Trial my sophomore year when I thought I wanted to go into law. Law has always been something that piqued my interest and I figured this was a great way to try things out.” 
Another junior Angela DelRosso said, “I joined Mock Trial because the court system interests me, and Mock Trial was a good opportunity to see and participate first hand in the system.
Mock Trial is where highschool students come together with their teams and try cases against one another. In other words it is a simulated trial case. The students in teams of eight act as lawyers and witnesses. This competition is held across the United States. The purpose is to assist students in critical thinking and public speaking skills. It is estimated that every year over 43,500 students from all 52 states participate. 
The Mock Trial team looks for new members each year. Junior Crawford said, “I would tell people wanting to join is to just go for it. It is really fun, and not super high demanding. Most of our meetings are right after school or via zoom. It is a super fun and helpful way to learn if law is something you would like.”
Every year the PA Bar Association sends out a fake or "mock" trial for high school students to do. The case can be murder, a civil dispute, getting injured at work, or really any crime you can imagine. Students prepare for a few months and then head down to the courthouse downtown. 
It is exactly like a real trial that would go on: they have a real judge, they have a jury made up of practicing lawyers, and they have our case info. Students compete against another high school and whoever scores the highest advances to the next round. They earn points on who executed things the best, who had their facts memorized, talked well to the jury, and had good persuasion.  
The faculty advisor, Mr. Brian Klisavage, explained, “It's a great way to learn the law and how court proceedings work.  If you like to argue, have acting skills and can think on your feet, this is a great and fun activity.” 
The Mock Trial team looks for new members each year. Junior Crawford expressed, “I would tell people wanting to join is to just go for it. It is really fun, and not super high demanding. Most of our meetings are right after school or via zoom. It is a super fun and helpful way to learn if law is something you would like.”

Mock Trial: Image
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